
Goes both ways. Some tend to forget about this important fact.

I got a strong worded text just before an important meeting, hysteria over something that, I think, really was not important. I did nothing wrong, and I don’t understand why the reaction was so epic. What I suggested have been the general policy for everybody in the situation like this. Clever twist of words have created enormous backlash to my end.

This incident really opened my eyes to realize how much that person respect and value me. Whatever mistakes I made in the past were never out of disrespect. You can sugarcoat it with jokes and laughter, but the underlying fact is very obvious. I got no respect from you.

Lost phones

It’s been exactly a week, and the pain hasn’t completely gone, and will never be, I think. Last week, in Matahari Mall Ciputra Cibubur, somebody stole my cell phones. I went to that mall with my mom, intended to show her that new mall and do groceries. We were leisurly looking and trying stuffs on in Matahari, and I didn’t realize that my phones were missing until I was paying at the cashier.

I never feel that anybody come close to me, I didn’t even feel that anybody touched me, I just felt a slight touch on my bag when I was at the cashier – then I realized that my phones were stolen from the side pocket of my handbag! I was so sure that the incident happened at the cashier until the security informed me that they didn’t see anyone coming close to me from the CCTV. I guess I was hypnotized, and just come around at the cashier, minutes after the actual action happened.

The CCTV recording shows that I did have my phone at some point, and then the camera rotated and I was no longer on the CCTV view. There it happened. The thief – which I was pretty sure a woman – must know the fact that the CCTV do not stay on one angle forever. I was browsing the ladies lingeries discounted bin and I can remember there was a woman came near me at some point – but I can’t remember her face.

So, there goes my iphone 4 and my cheapo Nexian. I loved my phones, especially the iphone. It was a christmas gift from my aunt and cousin 2 years ago, since they know how much I want an iphone but too cheap (and broke) to justify myself to buy an expensive phone. The Nexian was my first GSM phone in Indonesia, bought form Rp. 300K and gave my friends so much laughter for its silly ringtones.

I activated the lost phone mode on icloud, and found out that the phone was briefly online few days after. Although I put a message “this iphone is stolen from me… yada yada yadaa…” on the phone, I think thieves these days must be smart enough to know how to set the phone back to the factory setting.

I’m not just losing my phone, but pictures of my baby nephew since her newborn days, pictures of friends and family on various occassion, places I’ve been, hotels I’ve stayed, and so on! Also, with that phone, I lost my Candy Crush achievements (first world problem, sorry).

Nothing I can do but getting myself a new phone. Daym iphone 5 is soooo expensive!

In the meantime, I have recover my number(s) and borrow a colleague’s old smartphone to use until I decided what phone I’ll get next. Unfortunately that phone’s camera doesn’t work. I was in Palembang for the first time in 20 years and I couldn’t take pictures (another first world problem, I know)

Always, always be careful. That mall was not crowded at all, that’s why I kinda let my guard down. This serves as a very expensive lesson to me… more than 5 million worth lesson!

Whoever you are, lady phone thief, I hope you’ll repent someday. All your ill begotten money won’t do you any good. This I am so sure! (no, I’m not putting curse on you. Something greater than both of us knows and will see that you pay your wrong doing!)

Baby girl coming

My dearest niece, who I thought I won’t see until January, came to Jakarta in early September. She is growing fast! No more a baby but a sassy little girl. She was shy to begin with, it takes time for her to open up. I didn’t expect that she would be so…. mature? She sings and claps her hands whenever there is music (including during Church service), crawls so fast, clearly shows what she likes or doesn’t like, and her laughter really brighten up the day.

Until next time, baby girl. We’re missing you too much already, can’t wait until your next visit!

Hello, again

It’s been almost 4 months since the last time I wrote on this blog.

This warrant for another “hello world” posting.

Hello, World! During the time I was MIA, I’ve seen another little corner of the world.