No such thing as a free dinner

I went to Nan’s house after work to discuss something I need to submit since she’ll be traveling the next day. I was so beat and planning to eat first then work.

But then, this. A certain guy wanted me read book together and draw characters from that book (which, coincidentally was a book about book, hahaha).

So I asked for crayon and we start drawing. I drew the huge monkey and the jackass, and he drew the little mouse. According to his judgement, I did okay on coloring since I don’t go over the line much. Someday I will be able to color as well as him, that’s what he said.

So this is our masterpiece. After drawing, we read the book together. I read the jackass’ part – no pun intended, and he read the monkey’s part. I was also the mouse. Only after that, and once he got my permission to play with my iphone, then he let me have dinner.

There’s no such thing as free dinner. I do have to work for my meal

He doesn’t want to be photographed. I took two shots of him holding the drawing before I gave up.

Lets just talk about things I love: pork and noodle

I’m still pissed because of many things. Undelivered promises. Incompetent people. Or people in general. So I’ll post about the thing that I love.

Noodles. With pork.

Ol introduced me to Kaca Mata at Wijaya Center. Never heard about this joint before, and pleasantly surprised with their food. Their specialty, chasiu, is da bomb! Love also the Hongkong-style noodle. I think a portion of noodle with chasiu was about Rp. 37,000. This place was clean, air conditioned, free wifi (!), run 24 hours, definitely a good place to find food after hours. Been thinking about coming back… will do soon.

The next one is Sui-sen Pasar Baru on Jalan Gereja Ayam.This one is the old stand-by, as it is church and we often go there for lunch. I usually ordered mie ayam chasiu, and asked it to be made with three meat (chicken, chasiu, panggang) instead.

They also sell nasi campur, but I don’t think that I ever bought that since we definitely go there for the bakmi. The noodles are not so skinny like at Kaca Mata, but it was a bit soft (normally I like my noodles with a bite). Go to Raffles nasi campur across the hall to buy egg tarts, and cakwe at a cart on the street. Pasar Baru… love its food, although not much for comfort. Lately we prefer to order to go instead of sitting on the busy restaurant where anybody can smoke.

Now I want them!

Makan Tebet: Goat got your brain?

Wednesday was a tiring day. Really. We went all the way to Cibitung to sign off our right to claim a house that was sold around 10 years ago. My parents sold a little BTN house in Bekasi Barat to my dad’s uncle, without any formal bill of sale. So this time, the house will be sold again by the youngest child who inherit it to her sister. A little (not so little) drama ensued. After all, this is a Batak family where temper doesn’t exactly controllable. Mom somehow got dragged in the middle of family quarrel, much to her regret hours later.

Our route that day was Cibubur – Cibitung – Bekasi Barat – Cawang – Perdatam – Tebet – Cawang. After we finished with the bank, went to another aunt in Bekasi, go back to the bank, drop mom off, pick up another aunt, then off we go to Tebet to eat. They – former Tebet residents – suggest a sop kambing vendor. Hey, I’m not exactly new to this. Nan took me here months ago when she was heavily pregnant 🙂

Behold, the glory of sop kambing. My choices are meat and innards. My sister, the big wuss, chose to order nasi goreng from vendor across the street instead. She doesn’t eat strange cuts of meat. On the other hand, I’ve never meet innards that I won’t eat. Just before our orders were about to be ready, I saw something wrapped in leaf, like lemper. Turn out it was the brain. I can eat cow brain, so I order one to add to my soup.

All I can say that goat’s brain doesn’t taste much different than cow’s. We happen to get the seat just in front of two boiling pots of soup, so whenever the cover was lifted, we got the full smell and heat of goat. Like goaty sauna… hehehehe…

The soup was good, flavorful, the meat was tender, and it doesn’t stink much. The ‘secret’ ingredient of this soup is the mentega cap onta added to the bowl before the owner ladle the soup. We ordered sate also, and even my sister said that it was good. It was no place to take leisurely meal, as customers waiting to get to whatever empty seat. Try to eat with people waiting and standing behind you was no picnic.

Our meal, 1 order of sate, 3 orders of soup (one order legs, the most expensive item in the menu; one ordered mix meat including eyes; and I ordered meat, innards, and brain), three teas and two orange juices come to Rp. 169,000. Good, satisfying food.

Kedai Estu Rame, Jl. Tebet Barat Dalam

(masuk dari Gelael, letaknya sebelah kanan)

The seller, Bang Nik (I learned his name from my aunts who lived across the street from this vendor most of their life), usually ask his helpers to identify who ordered the next bowl of soup he’s assembling, and will look at you directly. Nan strongly suspected that he’s reading some mantra to keep you coming to his stall. My aunts said that even celebrities are regular to Bang Nik, one of which is Achmad Albar. Oke deh tanteee….