Who are you, readers?

Every month I will get emails about readership and number of downloads of my dissertation. Whoa, that seems like eons ago, that I was actually able to produce 110+ pages of some academic writing. I was surprised to find that people do quote my dissertation and my other articles, which are not many. I’ve co-authored 3 articles so far, and unlikely to add more.

Where did that academic person go? Is she gone for good?

And, who are you, readers?

My guilty pleasure…

…. is reading GOMI or Getoffmyinternets.net.

I don’t remember how I get there, but I’ve been a silent reader for maybe two years now (or even more, can’t remember). So happy to find that there are people out there that also scratching their heads reading some (mostly fashion) blogs.

Am I a hypocrite for reading a snark website designated to bash bloggers when I myself also blog? I don’t know. The hams at GOMI always say that “if you put your life out there, it’s a fair game”. Since this online diary is only for my own eyes (I’ve never shared the link to anyone), so I guess I’m not putting my life ‘out there’. Does it mean I can say whatever I want without fearing the backlash? No. Remember, internet never forgets (another of GOMI wisdom). Somehow through some google search, some random people may get here. And I would like to believe I’m somehow a decent person and I’ll try to keep thing appropriate and PC.

GOMI is addictive.